What I lost wasn’t love

If it’s lost, it wasn’t the love you were meant to have in your life. Love stays, keeps you stable, keeps you happy. If it doesn’t fulfil you, its not what you wanted.

Oftentimes, we confuse love with that one person that occupies most part of our minds. The biggest mistake is to personify love. Its unfair to confine love to a person and that’s how we give it power over us, letting it control us, hurt us. That is how we make love an evil.

Not intending to sound cliche, but I couldn’t find a better phrase – Life is the most beautiful gift. We make it miserable either by choice or by force. Taking responsibility of your own happiness doesn’t make you less loyal and it doesn’t make you selfish. As a homo sapient, its your prime responsibility to love yourself first.

Self love is innocent, pure and fulfilling. Think of that moment on the Saturday night when you picked up a book for yourself to sit down and read or when you dress up for a fun night with your friends that you were really looking forward to. That moment when you are proud of yourself, that moment when you feel beautiful about yourself, the moment when you don’t seek validation about yourself from someone else… these are the moments when you appreciate and love yourself. These moments don’t hurt anyone, at least, they shouldn’t hurt anyone.

If you have that one person who negates all the good that you hold for yourself by putting you down or not letting your feel the same way about yourself, that’s when you find out that something you mistook for love doesn’t need to be there. That’s when being selfish is the most needed thing.

Life can be tough, rough and challenging but that’s what makes it beautiful. No one ever promised a smooth ride. So you have to choose ways to sail through and not drown and succumb to something that doesn’t love you the way you love yourself. Giving all might not be the best thing to do because at the end of it, you’ll be empty. Give your all to someone who fills you equally.

That’s how you do justice to the life to lead and things you do.

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